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I-Ching I like it

Hisha*m bought me a deck of I-Ching tarot card as a gift recently. He used to borrow my deck of “Western” tarot card a lot when he was still with the company. The box for the deck became spoilt and he felt bad about it so that’s why he bought me the new deck of tarot.
I’m just learning how to use the cards and have only used it a couple of times.
Once I asked a question about whether I will get another chance to go on a fellowship abroad in the near future. Although my “present” card says that I need to persevere to be rewarded (common sense), my “future” card literally said “tough luck”. Gosh, that was encouraging!
The other day I asked whether I will get to see my old crush again in the near future. I think about him on and off simply because I miss him and we used to be good friends. This time, my “future” card was more encouraging. But come to think of it, probably not that much because it simply said, “It’s possible”.
I haven’t decided which deck of cards I prefer – the Western deck or the I-Ching deck. If I had to choose, I think it’s the I-Ching deck because it tells everything like it is.
With the Western deck, I needed to do a lot of self-interpretation. And of course, I’ll enterpret it any way I want to.


Hello! I'm Suzie, a former network marketing sceptic who is obsessed about raising her productivity level and finding her non-toxic, 'forever' Rheumatoid Arthritis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome management protocol.

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